Beautiful pics of Helene Fischer and Claudia Wells feet & legs
Katy Perry beating Taylor Swift for the title of Forbes most-paid artist in 2018 might appeal to those who love lower-end pop. The real drama and potential threat to Taylor Swift's status lies further in Forbes' top 10. Helene Fische ranks as the 8th position, just behind Rihanna. Celine dion and Britney spears both lead. Who? One thing is for sure the super-star of German-Russian descent who shuts her mouth in order to maintain the look of an ordinary woman. Reading extensive interviews reveals only that she is a fan of the artisanal butter, and was astonished that her husband who is a German television personality got her image tattooed on his arm. Fischer 34, as a matter of biographical terms, is the star for Germanys Schlager Scene. Its sound is directed in two different direction. The song in the first is a more bierhalle beat that moves through the subject matter of alcohol babes as well as Germany. Fischer is the woman who embodies this foil, a faithful woman whose heart is slurred and her breathing slows while she contemplates how her dedicated man plays the female vulnerability so as to incite his instincts to protect. Schlager has reverted to its more traditional themes as the antidote to the indulgence in western music that re-infiltrated Germany after the war. Infinite Schlager television specials, Fischer presents them every Christmas. They're a depressing revue of all-stars that make Jools Annual Hootenanny resemble the sound of Channel 4s clubs X. The roots of Schlager make it country music's spiritual brother. Fischer gives the genre a synth-pop, aggressive update in line with her German Taylor Swift. Swift's rise to the world of pop made her popular, but it's difficult to overstate the amount of less praise is shown for Fischers terrible music.
Claudia Wells is an American actress born in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia but grew up in San Francisco CA. Wells became famous due to her role in the film Back to the Future (1985) in the role of Jennifer Parker Marty McFly's lover. Wells was also a co-star in Stop the Madness, a music video about drugs that was commissioned by the Reagan Administration featuring famous actors, musicians and sports stars. In the following year, she was a part in the feature film Babies Having Babies. And she portrayed the lead role for the role of the lead in Fast Times a television adaption of 1982's Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Claudia had a successful career, and was becoming a star in the Hollywood scene. However, when her mother was diagnosed with cancer, Claudia was forced to take off from her career. That tragic experience spurred her toward taking an active role in charities the most recent of which is called Claudia Wells holds more than 50 credits from television, film and theater. But, she is convinced that her true career on screen is in the future. Her goal is to find agri-ed characters who don't hesitate to break conventions and challenge themselves. Claudia Wells is the head of Armani Wells, a men's fine-clothing store. To learn more visit

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