6ix9ine Bio
Daniel Hernandez, also known as Tekashi 6ix9ine was captured outside the Brooklyn rowhouse in order to make the video that would become an instant hit and eventually ruin his life. He along with a group of guys sporting red bandannas danced the pulsing beat of "Gummo" Then, they performed cryptic messages with their hands. Hernandez, clad in a green tracksuit shagged his hair in rainbows and bared his multicolored teeth. He took off his own bandanna in one moment to reveal a new tattoo, which would be his most distinctive mark which is the numerals 6, and 9. Hernandez traveled to the Dominican Republic in March 2018 to film a music video. Hernandez handed out $100 notes to the residents of the Dominican Republic while he was there. In the midst of his fracas with Chief Keef on June 12 the 12th of June, 2018 Hernandez visited the Chicago's South Side and gave food and cash handouts to local residents. On July 24, 2018, Hernandez announced that a part of the profits from the sale of his Nicki Minaj-assisted hit single "Fefe" would be donated to various youth initiatives in New York. [177A portion of proceeds from their 2020 single, "Trollz", was donated to The Bail Project to support people arrested in the George Floyd protests. On the 22nd of October, 2018, Hernandez met and spent the day with Tati the eight-year-old Brooklyn girl suffering from brain cancer who wanted to see him. Hernandez went on an afternoon of shopping. Hernandez has contributed a substantial donation of money to the Cristian Rivera Foundation, a non-profit foundation that was founded to promote awareness and aid in clinical research on a rare type of brain cancer found in children, known as diffuse intrinsic pontine the glioma (DIPG). John Rivera, the founder of the Organization said that Hernandez has been a fan of the foundation since November 2017. He has also invited to be a guest at their 10th Annual Gala in November 2018. John Rivera stated that Hernandez has performed many acts of kindness without any media coverage.

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